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About Us

Since 2008.

Finance, stocks, economy, forex and business - all in one in TREND MAGAZINE.

  • If you are looking for cooperation or advertisment please contact biuro@gazetatrend.pl.
  • For PR contact please email to Public Relations Manager.

About Us

Trend Magazine is well known publication about financial markets, economy and business in Poland. Basically Trend Magazine started operation in Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), founded by most active students in the school in 2008.

The magazine is targetted at people who are interested in investing, stock markets such us forex, stock exchange or OTC market or finance and economy. The offer of advertisment consists of two independent circulations of 2.000 copies and 10.000 copies making it more flexible than others.

Trend is issued in paper copy and digital version also available at www.gazetatrend.pl.

The magazine covers top economic universities in Poland, the best promo points in the biggest cities.

Trend Magazine is targetted at students, investors, financial analysts, investment advisors, stock brokers and entrepreneurs.